Wednesday 9 July 2014

Blood, Sweat and Tears

So summer is almost here and I've been trying to get my ideal summer body. Like a lot of teenagers I am not the most confident with my body so I've been trying to make a change so I can feel more confident this summer.
Now this isn't going to be a post of me moaning, but I thought I'd share my experience and what I am doing to help me get the body I want!
One thing I have learnt over the past 3 weeks, (yes it hasn't been all that long I know, but it's a start) is that it doesn't happen over night.
At the start I began to go for a light run for 30 minutes as well as stopping snacking so much and it wasn't too hard however I didn't feel any difference. I decided I needed to push myself more so after about a week I carried on my cardio (running) for 30 minutes however I pushed myself. I would run as hard as I could for as long as I could until I couldn't anymore. Now this sounds extreme but its not! I always gave myself rests if I felt I needed it however after I kept training I can now keep running for that whole 30 minutes. Next step.. increase the time I run for.
Along with that I have tried muscle exercises to tone up my belly, bum and legs, yes girls this includes my squats! I slowly increase the amounts of sets or reps I do to push myself.
I have learnt that if I want to improve I have to push myself to the limit because if it doesn't hurt the next day, I won't improve!
After eating healthier and exercising I am noticing changes and hopefully I will get there soon but I also feel changes in my body, I have more energy and feel healthier and less like a marshmallow and generally I am happier!
One final push I am doing is having TinyTea which is special tea which helps your digestive system, reduces cellulite, gives you energy and clears the skin! This product is amazing and it honestly motivates me so much so check it out!
Hopefully I am going to reach my goal soon and will be able to maintain my happy self. If anyone else out there is thinking about loosing weight and wants advice or even is already and wants to share some feel free to leave a comment! Need all the motivation we can get...
Speak soon,

"Will it be easy?
 Will it be worth it?

Sunday 22 June 2014

Out with the old and in with the new...

After long and hard thought I have finally come to the decision to start up my own blog. So many times I have written my first entry but never posted, but as my title says out with the old and in with the new.
It's come to that time of year where everything is finishing..(well school in my case). Yes that's right, I have just finished school and I can honestly say that it was a very stressful time but I will miss it soo much, and all the friends and memories I made there will stay with me forever.

However as I wave goodbye to the old I welcome the new which is fast approaching. COLLEGE AHH! This is gonna be a scary experience for me as I'm moving to a new place and this is the first time I am going somewhere where I don't know anyone. I am scared but also very excited. I want this new experience in my life and I cannot wait to meet some amazing new people where (hopefully) I will make so many memories.
However until that time comes, I thought I'd enjoy my summer and embrace other new experiences, which brings me to my blog. This is a whole new world me and I am ready to join it.
My blog is really just a place for me to tell you about new experiences that I've had, to give advice and even ask for it. I also want to share top tips on makeup, products and my favourite buys!
Hopefully my blog will live up to your expectations and that you will love it!
Speak soon,


"It's never too late- never too late to start over, never too late to be happy."
  -Jane Fonda